Molds developing in the dung of some Mexican wild mice


  • Elvira Aguirre-Acosta Laboratorio de Micología, Departamento de Botánica, Instituto de Biología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. México, D.F., México
  • Miguel Ulloa Laboratorio de Micología, Departamento de Botánica, Instituto de Biología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. México, D.F., México



Considering both the biological importance of fungi in the degradation of dung from
diverse animáis, and the lack of research on this subject in México, the present work
was carried out with the purpose of studying molds that develop in the dung of certain
species of wild mice. The samples of dung studied were from mice inhabiting an área of
the Sierra del Ajusco in México, D. F., belonging to the subspecies Neotomodon alstoni
aístaní(volcano mouse), Reithwdontomys megalotis saturnias (field mouse), and Peromyscus
manicu!«íus labecula (deer mouse). The dung samples were aseptically collected in the
field, tajeen to the laboratory and maintained in moist chambers for one month in order
to observe the succession of molds that appeared. The molds were then isolated and
grown in culture media to study and identify them.
The mold species isolated from the dung of ^f. megalotis saturatus were Mucor hiemalis,
Ai. jakfhís, Phycomyces blakesleanus, and Penicillium sp ; those isolated from the dung of
N. alstoni alstoni included the above species and also Dictyostelium mucoroides, Piptocephalis
lepidida, Aspergillus giganteus, Chaetomium tortile and Gelasinospora seminada. Only Scopulariopsis
brevicaulis appeared in the dung of P. maniculatus labecula.
Brief descriptions and illustrations of some typical structures are presented for the
above mentioned mold species, which are recorded for the first time from the dung of
these wild mice, and most of them also for the Mexican mycoflora.


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How to Cite

Aguirre-Acosta, E., & Ulloa, M. (2016). Molds developing in the dung of some Mexican wild mice. Scientia Fungorum, 2(17), 55–66.



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