Vol. 51 (2021): Mycorrhizae: an ancestral association between fungi and plants

					View Vol. 51 (2021): Mycorrhizae: an ancestral association between fungi and plants

Special volume in collaboration between the Mexican Association for the Study of Fungi, A.C. (AMEH) and the Mexican Society of Mycorrhizal Symbiosis A.C. (SOMESIMI)

This special volume of Scientia Fungorum represents an effort of the SOMESIMI to show some of the work conducted by the research groups of some members of our society, who are dedicated to the advancement on the knowledge of mycorrhizal symbiosis in our country. The aspects addressed in this compendium range from the traditional knowledge in Mexico of the fungi able to form this association, the description of new species records in the country, the advancement of the use of these fungi in agriculture, as well as taxonomic, ecological and molecular studies, up to modern technologies of microbiomic analysis. The support received from AMEH is appreciated.

Published: 2021-01-28

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