A floristic study on the wood decay fungi of the Polyporaceae from the State of Morelos


  • Raquel Galván Villanueva Laboratorio de Micología, Departamento de Botánica, Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Biológicas, Instituto Politécnico Nacional. México, D.F., México
  • Gastón Guzmán Laboratorio de Micología, Departamento de Botánica, Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Biológicas, Instituto Politécnico Nacional. México, D.F., México




A study on 67 species of wood decay fungi of the Polyporaceae group from
the State of ~[orelos (Mexico) is presented. The paper is based in herbarium
materials deposited in ENCB (90%) and MEXU (lO%)- 350 herbarium spt>cimens
were studied. The genera studied are: A maumderma Daeda/ea, Echinocltaete,
Fistulina, Heteroporus, Hexap,ona Hydnopolyporus, Favolus Fames, Ganoderma,
Lenzites, Polyponts and Spongipellis. The following species are reported
for first time from the State of ~Iorelos : Echinochaetc megalopom, Favolus
alveo/m·is, F. reniformis, Fames robinae, Ganoderma applanatum, Heteroporus
biennis, Hexagona ltirta, H. variegata, L enz.ites striata, Polyporus abietinus,
P. arcularius, P. awreu.s, P. cristatus, P. hydnoides, P. /eucomelas, P. picipes, P.
sanguineus and P. tomentosus var. circinal!ls. The genus Echinochaete is reported
for first time from Mexico. Concerning to distribution, the subtropical
forests are the most rich in species, due to their high humidy, following in
importance the fir forests, the tropical forests and finally the pine-oak forests


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How to Cite

Galván Villanueva, R., & Guzmán, G. (2016). A floristic study on the wood decay fungi of the Polyporaceae from the State of Morelos. Scientia Fungorum, 2(11), 35–98. https://doi.org/10.33885/sf.1977.2.465



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